A major benefit brought by Imam Khomeini was his familiarizing people with concept of resistance: Leader

A major benefit brought by Imam Khomeini was his familiarizing people with concept of resistance: ...

As Ayatollah Khamenei stressed, the nature of the Islamic Republic is against oppression. The Supreme Leader went on to say that the enemy has counted on public protests in order to put people against the Islamic Republic; and surely the enemy’s forecast is wrong like its many other ones.

Saturday, June 04, 2022 09:55

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The Necessity of Islamic Government in Modern Day from Imam Khomeini’s perspective Kobra Lashkari.

The Necessity of Islamic Government in Modern Day from Imam Khomeini’s perspective Kobra Lashkari.

In Imam Khomeini’s opinion, if a person is the most knowledgeable in Religion Science, but fails to recognize the expedient of society or generally lacks in insight the social and political context and in decision making power, this person is not Mujtahid in social and governance issues and cannot take the reigns of the community.

Tuesday, April 05, 2022 10:47

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Pure Mohammadian Islam from Imam Khomeini`s perspective

Pure Mohammadian Islam from Imam Khomeini's perspective

According to Imam Khomeini, defending the rights of the oppressed is the everlasting motto of the followers of pure Mohammadian Islam.

Friday, November 05, 2021 05:53

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6th international summit of resistance groups held in Tehran

6th international summit of resistance groups held in Tehran

An international summit has been organized in the Iranian capital Tehran on Wednesday and attended by resistance groups’ representative of 28 countries from various parts of the world.

Wednesday, October 06, 2021 08:08

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Monday, April 05, 2021 12:18

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Imam Khomeini marked the beginning of a whole new era for the nation

Imam Khomeini marked the beginning of a whole new era for the nation

The Islamic Revolution of 1979 was one of the most important uprisings in modern political history, an event which still shapes the world. After enduring decades of economic exploitation under the British, followed by a CIA and MI6 coup in 1953 to overthrow Iranian PM Mossadegh and replace him with Western-backed monarch the Shah, Iran finally stood up to Britain and the United States. Iranians took to the streets by the millions, regained its sovereignty as well control over its natural resources and dealt a heavy blow to imperialism, setting the stage for resistance and anti-imperialist movements to this day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 11:31

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