Imam Khomeini`s views on Morality

Imam Khomeini's views on Morality

Saturday, January 12, 2019 12:51

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Imam Khomeini formed revolutionary council to run affairs

Imam Khomeini formed revolutionary council to run affairs

The Council of the Islamic Revolution consisted of academic figures appointed by Imam Ruhollah Khomeini to manage the Iranian Revolution on 10 January 1979, shortly before his return to Iran.

Saturday, January 12, 2019 12:00

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Getting to know once more the concept of power regarding Imam Khomeini’s political thoughts

Getting to know once more the concept of power regarding Imam Khomeini’s political thoughts

This thesis with the title “getting to know once more the concept of power regarding Imam Khomeini’s political thoughts examines his views with respect to legitimate power, guardianship of the jurisprudence and religious primacy of the people (and the tie between democracy and theocracy).

Saturday, January 05, 2019 02:51

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An examination of his excellency Imam Khomeini’s ideas regarding education and training with an emphasis on education and training of children

An examination of his excellency Imam Khomeini’s ideas regarding education and training with an ...

Iran’s Islamic society with respect to its training organizations needs to use the views of big thinkers such as his excellency Imam Khomeini regarding education and training specially education and training of children so that through those guidance individuals who are pious, God seeker and obliged are trained and moral progress of Muslims is in the direction of their scientific progresses.

Saturday, January 05, 2019 10:54

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Imam Khomeini`s institute publishes 2019 calendar

Imam Khomeini's institute publishes 2019 calendar

The international department of institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini's works has published an annual calendar consisting of quotes and views by the late founder of the Islamic Republic on a range of topics in various languages.

Sunday, December 23, 2018 12:10

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Iran, Turkey pledge to step up economic cooperation

Iran, Turkey pledge to step up economic cooperation

Iran and Turkey have agreed to step up their economic cooperation with the aim of reaching a $30-billion target set for their annual trade, voicing concern over the re-imposition by the US of unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic, a move which they say could affect the entire region's economy.

Thursday, December 20, 2018 10:45

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