Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, encouraged all Islamic and no-Islamic nations to have access to a real practical freedom and experience a national sovereignty.
The great Imam established an Islamic democratic government system following the victory of revolution in 1979. He always encouraged other nations to form a system which must advocate freedom-seeking signs and anti-repression tendencies.
His followers and devotees also never forgot slogans of independence, freedom and the Islamic government during anti-Shah regime protests and demonstrations.
The great Imam believed that all nations must seek freedom from suppression and create institutions, which can guarantee the public contribution in determining their destiny and future.
The Islamic Revolution led by Imam Khomeini left no space for military coup or meddling by the imperialistic, colonial or communist powers.
“The other revolutions were associated with the East or the West, but the Islamic revolution of Iran relied on Islam and carried out signs of prophets and had not been associated with any power except God,” the honorable Imam said in this regard.
The Islamic-democratic system overthrew all puppets or remnants of Shah regime and granted the people right to elect their own representatives through ballots.
The Islamic-democratic government based on Imam Khomeini’s ideals has exemplified a system and presented a role model for the Islamic world and oppressed nations across the globe.
This great figure of the Muslim World always said in several of his messages and speeches that the Iranian nation’s struggle against the Shah and his associates was due to his wrong anti-Islamic agenda, lack of legitimacy and unpopularity among public.
This great personality of Imam insisted that the Iranian nation had joined the movement not only to form an Islamic government, but also to have access to freedom and democratic system. It became crystal-clear to all that the Iranian nation deemed access to freedom and democracy their main objective in form of Islamic system.
The Islamic revolution accomplished freedom, justice, democracy and republic for its nation and gained great achievements on international level.
The great Imam encouraged all the oppressed nations to establish systems which strength unity, seek justice and give assurances for independence and right to self determination.
The dynamic thought wants to eradicate poverty and demand equal political, economic and social rights for all classes of the society. His unique leadership will continue to inspire revolutions and raise awareness among the nations across the world.